Dance Your Way to Weight Loss

Dance Your Way to Weight Loss

Tired of the high gym memberships, with the constant travel to and from the gym, and the packing and unpacking of your gym bag? Or maybe you haven’t been exercising lately and you’ve got some extra pounds you want to lose. Either way, dancing could be the answer to...
Eating To Live

Eating To Live

Eating is an essential part of life, and we cannot sustain life for long without eating. So, it is important that we take the time to learn how to eat well, because eating well will help us to live the best life possible. Our views on what we should eat and the eating...
First Steps Toward Healthy Eating

First Steps Toward Healthy Eating

If you’re not currently eating healthy, it can be difficult to know where to start. But healthy eating and exercise are the building blocks for maintaining good health and building up your body’s immunity against disease. As anyone who has ever struggled with healthy...
5 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

5 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

If you’re like most of us, you have made at least one large, sweeping health-related goal that would change your entire life for the better if only you could stick with it. I mean, a large goal, such as: “I’m going to lose 50 pounds by summer”; or “I’m going to start...
Foods That Help Reduce Stress

Foods That Help Reduce Stress

When we’re stressed out, we tend to turn to foods that are our traditional “comfort” foods. Foods like macaroni and cheese, fried foods, and large meals that include seconds. “Comfort foods” also include the chocolate, chips, ice cream, fast food, and other sweet or...